Here we have got attraction, material, so we have to withdraw this attraction. How it will be possible? If we become more attracted to Krsna, then this attraction will go away. Bhaktih paresanubhavo viraktir anyatra syat [SB 11.2.42]. Bhakti means the more you realize Krsna, the more you will become detestful: "Ah, nonsense." This is test. One side increasing taste, the other side decreasing. This is the test.
If we think that "I have got attraction on Krsna and also the sense gratification," that means bogus. The test is how far I am detached to sense gratification. Then it means that you have increased your spiritual life. And Yamunacarya says,
yad-avadhi mama cetah krsna-padaravinde
nava-nava-dhamany udyatam rantum asit
tad-avadhi bata nari-sangame smaryamane
bhavati mukha-vikarah susthu nisthivanam ca
[Sri Yamunacarya]
This is the test. Yamunacarya, he was emperor. He said, "Since I have taken to Krsna consciousness and I am enjoying Krsna's association, since then, as soon as I think of sex, I spit on it." This is the test. This is test. Krsna... How I am increasing my Krsna consciousness, the test is how I am decreasing my sex attachment. This is test. A man is suffering from fever, that means how much he is becoming cured means how much he has decreased the degree of fever. This is the test. It is not that I have got 105-degrees fever and I am advancing and curing. That is not. This is the test, the vita-raga. You have got attachment for this material world, and the central point of attachment is sex. All man, birds, beast, everyone — test.
If we think that "I have got attraction on Krsna and also the sense gratification," that means bogus. The test is how far I am detached to sense gratification. Then it means that you have increased your spiritual life. And Yamunacarya says,
yad-avadhi mama cetah krsna-padaravinde
nava-nava-dhamany udyatam rantum asit
tad-avadhi bata nari-sangame smaryamane
bhavati mukha-vikarah susthu nisthivanam ca
[Sri Yamunacarya]
This is the test. Yamunacarya, he was emperor. He said, "Since I have taken to Krsna consciousness and I am enjoying Krsna's association, since then, as soon as I think of sex, I spit on it." This is the test. This is test. Krsna... How I am increasing my Krsna consciousness, the test is how I am decreasing my sex attachment. This is test. A man is suffering from fever, that means how much he is becoming cured means how much he has decreased the degree of fever. This is the test. It is not that I have got 105-degrees fever and I am advancing and curing. That is not. This is the test, the vita-raga. You have got attachment for this material world, and the central point of attachment is sex. All man, birds, beast, everyone — test.
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